Thursday, February 7, 2013

All I can say is I DID IT I DID IT ;0 .... The last two days were the hardest for me I was tired of the maple syrup too sweet and has a strong nausea smelly. I came I saw I conquered it has truly has been an experience and now I am ready to push even more.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 8 I didn't write for all I can say is Im about tired with the lemonade mix and I cannot wait till I have some real fruit juice.  Day 9 I am still in bed will update soon have to go to whole foods for my easing out process of this detox.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Today was going ok until my dog has seizure it just made me want to order a pizza and call it a day. Now I know what type of person I am I eat out of emotions it helps me deal with stress in my life. Teddy really scared me and it made me panic.. So now I am trying to regroup and drink my lemonade. I need to start drinking it right after the salt water flush because it is getting late and makes me not want to drink anymore. any who I have to breath and relax ;-0


WOW I am almost there just three more days. This is my first time doing the cleanse and it has been such a good experience. The first three days for me were not the hardest I think the closing days will be because honestly speaking I am tired of the tea, lemonade and the swf... but I will prevail just cannot wait till I drink some diluted fresh squeezed orange juice. I still have energy and my face has improved I actually have some color in the cheeks again I missed that. Well I haven't started my day yet so off I go. 

To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for you inner state at any given moment. That means now. -Eckhart Tolle

Sunday, February 3, 2013

So while I have been drinking my Lemonade I have been looking at recipes for veggie soup when I get off the detox and I found a good one by alton brown I would like to share for whoever is reading this now. Man the things I look forward to cooking when I am done.

The day ended well I am so happy I am off tomorrow and the ravens won to all the peeps I know in Baltimore well deserved.
Good night day six.

Day 6

Is here already I have four more days this has really been an experience indeed. Day five didnt go so well as I thought I only ended up drinking three drinks yesterday so I decided not to take the tea before I went to bed. I will probably take the max today drink wise so I can use the tea tonight. Will not being doing the saltwater thing either tomorrow morning I will start back on it again. So superbowl sunday today I have to work I doubt it will be too busy. Yesterday we got swamp with customers which is a really good thing indeed. Well I better start my day will update tonight.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 5 

YAY Im at the half way mark and I am feeling really good inside and out. Work was a bit busy but did not distract me at all. I am happy to say that day 4 was a beautiful day indeed. I had no desire to lick or taste anything at all. I feel more clear and conscious about my goals.. I'm driven and nothing is going to take me off my path to start living again. So here is to day 5 I will update tonight or tomorrow. peace and love 


Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 4

Good morning well damn what can I say as far as I know I have been dreaming about being a cheater when it comes to eating... then I woke up to the scent of my mother in law cooking so that explains the food dreams of me eating just a taste and then reprimanding myself. Glad it's a new day and new beginning tomorrow is gone and is a mere past now. Looking forward today and giving good light and love for this day is making it all better. Will update again later on I have to work tonight and hopefully it will be a busy night full of distractions.